28 June, 2021
Weight Lifters Dilemma
A 24-year-old male competition weightlifter had been muscle-sculpting his body since he was a teenager for years with proper nutrition and exercise consistent with bodybuilding. His concern was that he had never placed in competition because of a consistent defect in his body sculpting. His Right pectoralis was smaller than his left no matter what he did.
He reported a history of consulting medical doctors, chiropractors, and physical therapists without results. I tested his muscle reflexes and found a lax right Pectoralis Major Sternal.
I applied the State Energy Remedy® protocol as taught in the Academy. He was skeptical of the energy approach, to begin with, but as he said, he had nowhere else to go.
During the next three months, he maintained his body sculpting regimen. During that time I scheduled several periodic checks and applications of the technique. After the third month, he came into my office happy as a clam he had just one his first competition.
(A follow up) After successfully competing in several events, he announced his retirement. He got married, and they became parents.
View a video of Chiropractic’s fastest relief, most comprehensive technique, and the State Energy Remedy® Academy curriculum, including a limited-time Introductory offer of 50-75% savings click; https://stateenergyremedyacademy.com/p/home (no credit card necessary)
Ronald Masters II, D.C.
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