The True Power of Chiropractic
Doctors of Chiropractic have successfully treated patients for over 100 years. In addition, the Chiropractic profession has successfully...
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Doctors of Chiropractic have successfully treated patients for over 100 years. In addition, the Chiropractic profession has successfully...
24 August, 2021 In the early 1900s, Albert Einstein described the underlying foundation of physical form. He is attributed to have said,...
20 July, 2021 Average life Span, Chiropractors 74 Years, National Average 77 years, General M.D. 81 Years, Why? The Chiropractic...
28 June, 2021 Weight Lifters Dilemma A 24-year-old male competition weightlifter had been muscle-sculpting his body since he was a...
15 May, 2021 Science searches for answers to Disease yet ignores the elephant in the room. The State Energy Remedy® technique utilizes...
29 April, 2021 What do we do when we adjust the spine? Reduce Spinal Facet Stasis (fixation). What causes Facet Stasis Inflammation or is...
05 April, 2021 A 24-year-old male consulted me for abdominal aches he has experienced every other day for two years, including loose...
03 April, 2021 Why are we handing our grandchildren's health over to the big pharmaceutical companies??? The chiropractic profession In...
26 February, 2021 Uncontrollable Thumb Palsy Male Patient, age 87, presented uncontrollable palsy of his right-hand thumb. The thumb...
15 February, 2021 Patient with the inability to swallow pieces of meat A male patient, age 73, every 3-4 months had to endure the...
07 February, 2021 Symptoms Compared With Diagnosis When Treating Conditions The State Energy Remedy® technique base is on evidence that...
18 January, 2021 Like Lighting a Dark Room It is time for Doctors of Chiropractic to expand their care by merely redefining where the...
14 January, 2021 State Energy Remedy® technique Blog:2021 - Post:2 Three statements in Course Ⅰ, characterize the State Energy Remedy®...
04 January, 2021 Post-effects of Covid19 and Chiropractic Blog:2021 - Post:1 According to, the following symptoms and...
24 December, 2020 Chiropractic and Viruses Blog:2020 - Post:19 When hearing about viruses and their effect on humans, the term "the...
26 October, 2020 Interstitial Cystitis resolved by State Energy Remedy® addressing Insulting Frequencies in the body. Blog:2020 - Post:18...
17 September, 2020 Blog:2020 - Post:17 In the magazine, Chiropractic Economics, the Annual Survey responses give me pause. The Survey...
07 September, 2020 Blog:2020 - Post:16 Chiropractic philosophy and practice have always been to remove interference to life-giving...
20 August, 2020 The Advantages of Being a Doctor of Chiropractic Energy Physician. Blog:2020 - Post:15 In an earlier blog, I wrote of my...
21 July, 2020 Doctor of Chiropractic Spinal Physician or Doctor of Chiropractic Energy Physician Blog:2020 - Post:14 Doctors of...